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2011-7-6 来源:EC
关键词:可持续发展 coatings industry sustainability

The coatings industry will contribute significantly to the sustainability of the environment

People are more and more talking about sustainability as a key issue in society. Tony Mash, CEO of BCF and CEPE’s issue manager for sustainability explains what role the coatings industry plays in this context. According to Tony Mash, one of CEPE’s main aims is to provide a database for its members that enables them to carry out full life-cycle analyses for its products. He believes that it is a ten to 15 year journey until the coatings industry will contribute significantly to the sustainability of the environment. Do not miss the opportunity to learn more about the possibilities to embrace sustainability in a feasible way at »CEPE Annual Conference, 5-7 October 2011 in Dublin/Ireland
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