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A Bimetal Strategy for Suppressing Oxygen Release of 4.6V High-voltage Single-crystal High-nickel Cathode

田金赛等 科学材料站 2024-04-04 08:06 安徽

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研 究 背 景

LiNixCoyMn1-x-yO2(NCM)在3至4.3V的窄电压窗口内具有高达700Wh Kg-1的能量密度,因此成为一种非常有吸引力锂离子电池正极材料。但是,越来越多的研究表明,当提高工作截止电压来获得更高的能量时,其中不可避免的氧气产生将会导致电池性能快速退化并带来安全隐患,这在高镍三元材料中尤为突出。在高SoC下,氧阴离子的能量状态可以随着高度氧化的Ni阳离子的存在而提高。因此,氧阴离子被迫参与氧化过程,代价是可逆性受损,最终导致O2气体的释放。这种析氧过程通常在颗粒表面和晶格内展开,最终导致低容量岩盐结构的形成和生长,以及粒内裂纹的扩展。因此,同步解决界面和晶格不稳定性是抑制高镍层状正极材料中氧释放的关键。

文 章 简 介

近日,武汉理工大学木士春教授在国际知名期刊Energy Storage Materials上发表题为“A Bimetal Strategy for Suppressing Oxygen Release of 4.6V High-voltage Single-crystal High-nickel Cathode”的观点文章。针对富镍单晶正极材料在高截止工作电压下晶格氧的不可逆释放问题,该观点文章提出了一种利用双金属元素抑制高压条件下富镍正极材料氧气释放的有效策略。经过改性后的正极材料,在3-4.6V的电压窗口内可长时间稳定工作,而且初次循环过程中的氧释放得到有效的抑制。

本 文 要 点


使用Al(NO3)3?9H2O 和 C10H25NbO5分别作为Al和Nb源,采用溶胶凝胶法将Al和Nb源与单晶NCM811均匀混合;随后进行高温退火处理,使Al和Nb元素向晶格内部扩散。由于扩散势垒的差异,使得Al可以均匀地掺杂到体相中,而Nb元素则停留并富集在晶粒的表面处,形成LiNbO3涂层。

Figure 1. (a) XRD patterns of SNCM and AN-SNCM. (b and c) SEM images of micron-sized SNCM and AN-SNCM particles. (d) HAADF-STEM image and corresponding SEAD patterns of AN-SNCM. (e-g) TEM of AN-SNCM particle surface. (h) HADDF image of AN-SNCM and TEM-EDS element mapping results of Ni, Al, Nb. (i-j) XPS patterns with a different etching time of Al 2p, Nb 3d for AN-SNCM.


Figure 2. Electrochemical performance of coin type batteries with SNCM and AN-SNCM cathodes in the voltage range of 25 ℃, 3-4.6 V. (a)Initial charge discharge curves of original SNCM and AN-SNCM cathodes. (b) Performance curve for 200 cycles at 1C current density. (c) - (d) dQ/dV spectra of two cathodes derived from Figure 2b. (e) Cycling performance of two cathodes at 3C current density. (f)-(g) Gas evolution profiles of CO2 and O2during the second galvanostatic charge process of SNCM and AN-SNCM electrodes.



Figure 3. Phase transition during cyclic processes. Operando XRD characterization of the full contour plots and selected line patterns for (a) SNCM and (b) AN-SNCM cathodes during the initial cycle in the voltage range of 3-4.6 V, 0.2C. The variation of the c-axis and cell volume parameter during charging for pristine (c)SNCM and (d)AN-SNCM.

Figure 4. (a-h) HAADF-STEM images of SNCM and AN-SNCM particle cross-sections prepared by FIB after 200 cycles at 1C and 4.6V. (i-j) EELS line scanning of Ni and O elements from the surface to the interior of particles.


由于原始NCM(SNCM)在4.6V高压脱锂状态下的不稳定性,副反应将会在SNCM和有机电解质之间发生,导致有机电解质分解。副产物的不断积累会使正极侧CEI膜的组成和结构更加复杂,从而增加阻抗,不利于锂离子的快速扩散。同时,副反应也会加速Ni/Co/Mn等过渡金属离子的溶解,导致其表面结构退化,并在CEI膜内层形成过渡金属氟化物(如NiF3?、CoF3?、 MnF3?)。

Figure 5. Normalized TOF-SIMS depth maps of SNCM and AN-SNCM cathode CEI after 150 cycles at 3-4.6 V and 1C, respectively. (a) TOF-SIMS depth maps of CH2O?, PO3?, LiF2? and NiF3? species; (b) 3D rendering (CH2O?, PO3?, LiF2? and NiF3?) concentration distribution composition; (c) Chemical imaging of TOF-SIMS on SNCM and AN-SNCM cathode surfaces (CH2O?, PO3?,LiF2? and NiF3?). (d)Phase transition during the In-situ high-temperature XRD patterns, and (e)Differential scanning calorimetry profiles when charged to 4.6V of SNCM and AN-SNCM.


Figure 6. DFT calculation of the effect of doping on the structure and electronic states of the system. (a) Formation energy for replacing Ni, Co, or Mn ions both surface (Sur.) and bulk layer (Bulk) with Al or Nb ions. (b-c) The calculated projected density of states of Ni:3d, O:2p and the total density of states plots of SNCM and AN-SNCM. (d-e) The calculated projected density of states of O 2p and 2D contour maps of charge density distribution.

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A Bimetal Strategy for Suppressing Oxygen Release of 4.6V High-voltage Single-crystal High-nickel Cathode

通 讯 作 者 简 介

木士春教授,武汉理工大学首席教授,博士生导师,国家级高层次人才。长期致力于锂离子电池材料、电解水制氢和质子交换膜燃料电池催化剂研究。以第一作者或通讯作者在Nat. Commun.、Adv. Mater.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Energy Environ. Sci.、Nano Lett等国内外期刊上发表300余篇高质量学术论文。

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